Friday, May 6, 2011

HORSE The Band - Desperate Living (2009)

Artist: HORSE The Band
Country: US
Genre: Metalcore/Experimental

HORSE The Band is perhaps the oddest metalcore band to ever exist. Their singer once jokingly voiced the word "nintendocore" which is what they are now known for. NES style 8 bit synthesizers paired say the least. Spazzy guitars, and crazed off key vocals give the band a sound that is very unique. They can be angry, as well as calm, and at many points just plain goofy. In all seriousness, this isn't serious. If you are looking for deep, artful, eye opening music, then this probably won't suffice. But this record is fun as hell, and it will definitely bring out your "inner nerd."

Mediafire Download

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